Jummp Marketing | CDAP Grant
Jummp Marketing

Grow Your Business Online With The CDAP Grant

Eager to elevate your online sales and operations to stay ahead in today’s competitive market? Looking to refine your services for current customers and attract new ones? Benefit from a micro-grant of up to $2,400 through the Canadian government’s Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP). Once awarded, this grant can be used to engage our services at Jummp Marketing, helping you significantly enhance your online presence.
Jummp Marketing|CDAP Grant
About the CDAP

Get up to $2,400 to grow your business online

How CDAP Helps SMEs

The Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) aids small and medium-sized businesses in expanding their digital footprint. It helps businesses get online, boost sales, and adopt security software. Additionally, CDAP supports improving customer connections, enhancing social media marketing, and refining online user experiences. This comprehensive approach empowers businesses to achieve significant online growth and customer satisfaction.

Your Business is Eligible if it is:

Your Business is Not Eligible if it is:

Eligible for a CDAP? Apply Now!